Freud Aluminum & Non-Ferrous (Thin) Saw Blades
Freud Aluminum & Non-Ferrous (Thin) Saw Blades
(LU90M010) 10" x 100T Thin Stock Non-Ferrous Metal Blade
JMP Wood Brooklyn
760 E 96th St
Brooklyn NY 11236
United States
JMP Wood Linden
621 Commerce Road
Linden NJ 07036
United States
This blade produces a smooth, burr-free finish when cutting thin aluminum, brass and other non-ferrous metal extrusions. A high tooth count with a -5° hook angle allows the teeth to slice efficiently through the material without binding. The requirements on the cutting edge greatly differ with nonferrous metals than with cutting wood. With this in mind, Freud formulated a special carbide with high impact strength for this blade. Freud recommends use of a liquid lubricant when cutting non-ferrous materials. This can be accomplished with a spray of WD-40 or other similar type of lubricant every 4 or 5 cuts. Wax sticks are not recommended.